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Trabucco Genius Specialist Feeder Pro Chair / vis stoel

Trabucco Genius Specialist Feeder Pro Chair
Trabucco Genius Specialist Feeder Pro Chair / vis stoel
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Trabucco Genius Specialist Feeder Pro Chair / vis stoel


€ 0,00

€ 174,95 *
€ 164,95 *
Preis pro Stück

Verfügbarkeit : 50


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It’s the greater sister of Specialist Feeder Chair, which can offer excellent comfort for the larger dimensions of the seat, for the higher ground clearance and the reclining backrest, which culminates with a padded headrest. Unchanged the useful carrying bag that lets you store the chair in the car booth preventing mud and water from damaging it. The four telescopic legs are equipped with tilting feet, while four angled arms, having adjustable height and a diameter of 25 mm, allow the user to apply any accessories. The chair is supplied with a convenient side tray. Two large knobs enable to modify the angle of the back rest.
Size: 140x75x90cm
Size when packed: 83x67cm
Type: folding  
Weight: 8kg
Material: polyester
Frame: steel  
Color: green

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Zijdwerk 9a , 1693 NZ Wervershoof 
KVK 37088916
BTW 808543179 B01
IBAN NL32RABO 0368901440


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