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Gaby - Visknuffel baars 50cm

Gaby - Visknuffel baars 50cm Gaby - Visknuffel baars 50cm Gaby - Visknuffel baars 50cm Gaby - Visknuffel baars 50cm
Gaby - Visknuffel baars 50cm Gaby - Visknuffel baars 50cm Gaby - Visknuffel baars 50cm Gaby - Visknuffel baars 50cm
Gaby - Visknuffel baars 50cm
1 Bewertungen | Bewertung hinzufügen
Gaby - Visknuffel baars 50cm Perch is a species of the genus Perca (the perches). It inhabits most of waters of Europe and part of Asia. It has been also successfully introduced into Australian rese


€ 5,00



€ 19,95 *
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Verfügbarkeit : 50


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The Perch


Perch is a species of the genus Perca (the perches). It inhabits most of waters of Europe and part of Asia. It has been also successfully introduced into Australian reservoirs. The Perch distinguishes itself with the beautiful coloring, the characteristic feature of its appearance are dark stripes on the body, bright red pelvic fins and dorsal fin with spines. The young Perches feed mainly plankton, invertebrates and fish roe. The older ones become the typical predators which often hunt in herd for small fish. The perch has got the enormous meaning for the anglers. It is willingly caught and respected as the smart and brave opponent.

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Els Mantel - 23-11-2022 13:46

Ziet er prima uit. Woon vlak bij Wervershoof. Had hem daar ook wel willen ophalen. Dat was voor mij goedkoper geweest. Verder heel tevreden.

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Zijdwerk 9a , 1693 NZ Wervershoof 
KVK 37088916
BTW 808543179 B01
IBAN NL32RABO 0368901440


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu.

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