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Gaby - Visknuffel Regenboog forel 62 cm

Gaby - Visknuffel Regenboog forel 62 cm Gaby - Visknuffel Regenboog forel 62 cm Gaby - Visknuffel Regenboog forel 62 cm Gaby - Visknuffel Regenboog forel 62 cm Gaby - Visknuffel Regenboog forel 62 cm Gaby - Visknuffel Regenboog forel 62 cm
Gaby - Visknuffel Regenboog forel 62 cm Gaby - Visknuffel Regenboog forel 62 cm Gaby - Visknuffel Regenboog forel 62 cm Gaby - Visknuffel Regenboog forel 62 cm Gaby - Visknuffel Regenboog forel 62 cm Gaby - Visknuffel Regenboog forel 62 cm
Gaby - Visknuffel Regenboog forel 62 cm
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Gaby - Visknuffel Regenboog forel 62 cm The Rainbow Trout (oncorhynchus mykiss). It inhabits North America. The Rainbow Trout has been introduced to almost all countries in the world. There are two


€ 5,00



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The Rainbow Trout


The Rainbow Trout (oncorhynchus mykiss). It inhabits North America. The Rainbow Trout has been introduced to almost all countries in the world. There are two types of this species: steelhead which is a sea run the Rainbow Trout and the Rainbow Trout which leads the sedentary lifestyle. The most characteristic feature is its colouring, especially the colourful ‘rainbow’ stripe along the body and numerous spots spread also at the bottom of the fish. Without doubt the Rainbow Trout is beautiful and strong fish admired by many anglers. Like other Trouts it feeds small water animals, insects and also small fish. The Rainbow Trout is a species which replaces the wild populations of trouts perfectly and adapts very easily to new environmental conditions.

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Zijdwerk 9a , 1693 NZ Wervershoof 
KVK 37088916
BTW 808543179 B01
IBAN NL32RABO 0368901440


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